30th Anniversary

Today is the 30th anniversary of the death of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
† Archbishop Lefebvre, ora pro nobis!

St. Mary's Cathedral & Glebe House Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

St. Mary's Cathedral & Glebe House Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1909

La Bénédiction du pain

La Bénédiction du pain, 1879, huile sur toile de François Archange Joseph Bodin

The "NoNo" Ordo

There is the Mass of the Ages which is the unchanging true Catholic faith.   Then there is the horribly irreverent protestant "service" full of liturgical abuses. 

There are a small number of shepherds who teach and maintain the true Catholic faith.  Then there are the many hirelings with no passion for speaking the true Gospel but would rather talk about sports, crack jokes, and show videos during homilies.  The difference is quite clear between the shepherds and the hired help. 

Quite simply, don't go to the "NoNo" Ordo which is not Catholic.  Do the research. Attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where a holy Priest teaches the true faith.  If you have to drive to attend, do it.  If you have to move to another state so you can attend, do it.

"The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field. Which a man having found, hid it, and for joy thereof goeth, and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field."  -- Matthew 13:44

Book: Our Martyrs by Father Dennis Murphy (1896)

eBook: Our Martyrs: a record of those who suffered for the Catholic faith under the penal laws in Ireland by Father Dennis Murphy published in 1896.

A reproduction of the book is available here.